
KomDigital PLC is a Social Media and Online Company based in Accra, Ghana… Our main Object is the help Companys, Individuals and SMEs setup find themselves Online doing Businesses and Selling their Products and Services as well….. For NGOs who wish to Collaborate with us our Services comes with a huge discount as part of our social responsibility’s

Something to read!!

 You may also want to take this painful Journey to read our article just to get the full comprehension of what Social media has become now.

We can agree about the phenomenal benefits of social media marketing, particularly in relation to traditional marketing channels. One perk this relatively new medium off is the ability to concentrate on your niche, zeroing in on it and targeting it with more clarity. To do this, we need to acknowledge that social media marketing and management is much more than like and follows. If the likes and follows do not boost or actively affect your conversion rate positively, it’s all just for show. 

When a social media post is made the purpose must be kept in mind, is it just for likes or is the end goal conversion (For the audience to patronize your business or engage your service)? Assuming most if not all the posts in a business social media page has the end goal of conversion (they should), they can been designed to do this by entertainment, engagement, information distribution ,etc. They will not just be any group of followers, but the followers who will be interested in your content, interact with it and ultimately at some point become your customers or refer someone. It is better to have a following of  100 and a conversion rate of 20% than a following of 200 with a 5% conversion rate. Ultimately, the purpose of your social media content must be reaching not just anyone, but your preferred and to do that, the content must be tailored to their eye and preferenc. When relaying your content, you must go where you are likely to find the audience that will result in a higher conversion rate. Where are they? What are they doing at a certain time of day? What information would they find helpful? How can you package in a way that brings them to you and will position your business as an expert in the field? All these are pertinent questions that will affect the social media channels that to decide to use first or most? What time of day you post your content and how you advertise it.

 Social media is powerful and even businesses can lend into the hype. The myth that any followers are good followers is not true. Specialization is important.

Social Media for Branding

Social Media provides one of the biggest benefits today to creating a brand. Its multifaceted nature and far-reaching capabilities provide a business or person…

Marketing concept has been changing drastically to suit to the diversified needs of the current era. It is impossible though to ignore social media marketing strategies today whose towering roles to lift the corporations can’t be ruled out. In fact, this marketing strategy is a big thing to believe in which promotes the products/services for greater rewards.

social media marketing

Here we mention top 5 benefits of the social media marketing strategies which entrepreneurs must assess: –

1. Brand recognition enhancement: While various social media platforms are already leaving greater impact in the lives of every individual, they can’t be ignored in the business promotions. It indeed remains fastest choice to build the reputation of all businesses.

Due to its easy reach to the common masses, it is an ultimate brand recognition enhancement solution without doing any type of extra effort. As new channel to brand’s voice or content promotion, it is an ultimate platform to increase the visibility of different corporations.

2. Smooth connectivity with the loyal customers: Social media marketing begins with this motive to have maximum accessibility to the existing as well as potential customers. While you are smoothly recognized by everybody you turn into familiar brand as recognizable choices by all and sundry.

social media marketing strategies

That is why large chunk of masses from around the world use various social media platforms. Your brand is smoothly connected with loyal customers in no time.

3. Maximum conversion of opportunities: Until some years ago, social media used to be a fun thing. With the changing perspectives now and the popularity of many such sites, they are used for multiple purposes, including for social media marketing avenues.

Such marketing strategies take most of the businesses to even remotest of places where conventional media would have its little reach. Thus, chances of conversion of maximum opportunities remain high.

With all social media posts, you indeed get noticed and avail the newer opportunities due to likes, comments and shares.

4. Personalized marketing avenue: Besides easy access and for financially viable platforms, social media marketing is equally noted due to personalized reaches to target customers. Every social media user feels as if the details shared are for them thus there remains higher conversion rates of customers from the social media likers.

Due to maximum interaction through the social media channels, everybody starts recognizing the brands for a greater value.

5. Greater website traffic: While social media accounts bring businesses very much close to the potential customers, an important factor which makes one feel revived is that ecommerce sites receive greater level of traffic from all nook and corner.

social media marketing benefits

As large chunk of people starts following the link pages and even start sharing or commenting one can observe direct effect in the form of the extensive traffic of sites to attain the newer success.


Social media is powerful enough to promote anything and everything like a wildfire. Using such tools as part of various social media strategies thus pave the way for new success story. They play greater roles to develop loyal fans besides offering thorough marketplace insights to assuring for generated leads. This is how your business receives a new boost without you doing any additional efforts.